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Friday, September 20, 2024

DENR eyeing better R&D on regenerative economy

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The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is seeking improvements in research and development concerning the circular economy.

The DENR’s Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) made the initiative on the back of increasing action towards sustainability in the government and the private sector and rising consciousness to reuse and regenerate materials or products.

Experts from across the region, in an international forum organized by ERDB earlier this month, point to a need for a further study of programs, and current and best practices are needed to build circular economy capabilities.

The ERDB is the DENR’s main research arm mandated to formulate, implement and coordinate integrated research, development and programs on the environment and other related cross-cutting concerns.

The ERDB from November 8 to 9, 2023 conducted the International Conference on Connecting the Dots on Circular Economy (CE) for Sustainable Development, which served as a platform for an estimated 160 delegates from India, South Korea, Thailand, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Ethiopia and the Philippines to discuss, develop, and share research insights on the circular economy.

“We acknowledge the need to have a venue for knowledge sharing with other countries on CE and start forging partnerships and linkages globally, specifically on research and development,” said ERDB director Maria Lourdes Ferrer.

The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Act of 2022 directed large enterprises to divert 20 percent of the plastic waste they produced in 2023 and 40 percent by 2024, and increase the volume by increments of 10 percent every year until an 80 percent decrease in plastic waste is achieved by 2028.

DENR Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Solid Waste Management and Local Government Units Concerns Daniel Darius Nicer stressed the important role of producers in the successful implementation of CE. He said as producers, they should do things to reduce the production of waste before it reaches the consumers.

“CE emphasizes the accountability of producers as major players in the economy,” said Nicer.

During the two-day event, a total of 20 poster presentations were displayed via exhibit and were briefly discussed during the two-minute poster speed talk.

A total of 23 paper presentations were also presented which served as a venue for sharing of experiences, practices, and findings both in the academic and business spheres. DENR News


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