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Friday, September 20, 2024

Four tips for growing spring onions

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Spring onions are sweeter and have a mellower taste than regular onions, but the greens are more intense in flavor than scallions. It’s rich in vitamins like vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, and iron. 

Growing spring onions in a farm or home garden are easy. Here are a few tips: 

Tip # 1: Soil preparation and climate 

The crop thrives well in loose and clay soil with a pH between six and seven. It also needs ample sunlight and good water drainage. 

Tip # 2: Planting

Growers can cultivate spring onions from seeds or seedlings. Plant the seeds in a half-inch deep hole and at a distance of 12 inches. Meanwhile, when using seedlings, plant it an inch deep and with a length of two inches. Immediately water after planting. Add mulch between each plant and water regularly. 

Tip # 3: Pest and disease management 

Thrips, armyworms, and cutworms are the common pests in spring onions. On the other hand, sooty mold and bacteria rot are frequent diseases. Using pesticides can help control their presence as well as cleaning and deweeding in between the plants. 

Tip # 4: Harvesting

After three to four weeks, there will be fresh spring onions growing. It can be harvested once its length reaches six to eight inches. 

This information is from the Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI). 


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