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Friday, September 20, 2024

NGCP asks housing developer to support big transmission line

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Transmission operator National Grid of Corp. of the Philippines on Monday asked  Phirst Park Homes, Inc. (PPHI) for its cooperation to pave the way for completion of the the Hermosa-San Jose (HSJ) 500-kiloVolt (kV) transmission line.

NGCP said in a statement the full completion of  the transmission line project stalled due to a temporary restraining order (TRO) issued by the Supreme Court.

It said the TRO was issued against the expropriation and construction on a portion of the Hermosa-San Jose 500kV line owned by PPHI.

“NGCP made it clear to PPH that the HSJ is an Energy Project of National Significance (EPNS), and its completion and energization are critical to prevent Luzon-wide power interruptions. NGCP has repeatedly expressed its willingness to negotiate further. Still, we assert that the project’s activities can no longer be delayed given the greater national interest in the project’s immediate completion,” the company said.

NGCP said it immediately stopped project-related activities along Towers 170-178 of the said line, stalling the ongoing stringing of the line’s remaining circuit upon receipt of the TRO on July 6, 2023.

The HSJ was energized on May 27, 2023 to accommodate power generation from Bataan.

NGCP said, however, the court prohibition would affect the remaining works for the full completion of the transmission line.

The Hermosa-San Jose line has a transfer capacity of 2,000 megawatts (MW), a quarter of the full 8,000-MW capacity of Lines 1 and 2 which could be completed  due to the work stoppage following the issuance of the TRO.

“Regrettably, it appears that the petition filed by PPHI is merely one of its tactics to obstruct NGCP from finalizing the project, despite numerous rounds of negotiations and proposed out-of-court settlements between the involved parties,” said NGCP.

NGCP said it repeatedly reached out to PPHI to settle the issue amicably, and negotiations with PPHI were ongoing.

The company said it had to seek the assistance of the Department of Interior and Local Government to proceed with construction activities, which PPHI continually tried to block despite the valid permits and writs of possession under NGCP’s favor.


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