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Friday, September 20, 2024

The P20-b Pasig river rehabilitation project

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“The problem with the Pasig River Freeway Project is how it will be designed, especially with all the bridges, that it will not become an ugly sight to the public”

It looks like, for once, those wanting to rehabilitate the Pasig River to make it truly tourist friendly have the right formula.

This is because big corporations are willing to make available billions of pesos to do what is necessary to accomplish the project.

Part of what will be done which is perhaps the most important is the relocation of thousands of informal settlers along the river bank and its tributaries.

This also includes the canals that empty into the Pasig River with all the shanties discharging sewer and human wastes that will have to be cleared.

Ultimately, the main cause of the river pollution will be eliminated.

It is, therefore, a huge undertaking that even the money mentioned for the project may not be enough. Just simply relocating the informal settlers, for instance, would require huge amounts of money.

But this is probably where the government comes in to provide the relocation sites.

Without the relocation of informal settlers, it is pointless to even attempt to rehabilitate the river.

We cannot be constructing long stretches of promenades and walkways on the banks of the Pasig alongside all those shanties.

The fact that this is understood and will be done gives us the confidence that, this time around, the effort might really succeed.

All previous attempts by past administrations were at best cosmetic because it involved the cleanup of the main river but not the elimination of the root causes of the river pollution.

The small section of promenade completed near the MacArthur Bridge has become a hit to the public attracting many promenaders.

So, there is an incentive for the government to participate and support the undertaking.

Whether the ambitious plan to construct walkways along the entire 25-kilometer stretch of river will succeed is another matter.

It is seems, however, this is a self-imposed wish by the project proponents and hopefully they will find a way to accomplish most of it.

What this huge beautification undertaking will do, however, is to put in doubt the controversial Pasig Freeway project which should make those who have opposed the undertaking happy.

It would be unthinkable for aesthetic reasons to do the Promenade project and allow the Freeway project to go ahead at the same time.

The two would be in a way be negating each other and will rekindle the debate between necessity and environmental protection.

Whether both proponents consulted each other I have not been able to find out.

But we have not seen anything in the media that would indicate the Pasig River Freeway Project will be abandoned in favor of the river rehabilitation project being launched by the Palace with the reported endorsement of the First Lady.

In fact, after the inauguration of that small promenade at the mouth of the Pasig not much has been heard.

Let us hope it will not be like all the previous efforts launched in the past that after a week of media buildup and an inauguration of a short walkway, the project will go like all rest and be forgotten.

That would be really be a shame.

This is because a half-baked river rehabilitation and the Pasig River Freeway going on would be a monumental eyesore.

The government must therefore decide which one to undertake.

I would not be surprised if there are people in government and the private sector who will not object and even endorse that both projects can proceed together.

How they can justify this would be interesting to see.

The problem with the Pasig River Freeway Project is how it will be designed, especially with all the bridges, that it will not become an ugly sight to the public.

But there will always be people who will argue that necessity is more important than aesthetics.

The Pasig River rehab project is a Palace supported undertaking while the Freeway has reportedly already been green lighted by the DPWH. Let’s see which project will prevail.


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