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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sacrificing sovereignty: Alvarez’s treasonous proposition

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“President Marcos must unequivocally reject Alvarez’s misguided advice and demonstrate unwavering resolve in protecting our nation’s interests”

In a bewildering display of shortsightedness and sheer capitulation, Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez has urged President Marcos to abdicate his responsibility to defend our nation’s sovereignty against the encroaching grasp of China.

Alvarez’s proposal, masquerading as a call for pragmatism, is nothing short of treasonous and an affront to the very essence of patriotism.

Alvarez’s ill-conceived notion of easing tensions with China by relinquishing power to Vice President Sara Duterte is an act of surrender disguised as diplomacy.

By suggesting that Marcos should follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, Alvarez not only exhibits a gross misunderstanding of the geopolitical realities but also undermines the sacrifices of our brave soldiers and the integrity of our nation.

Under the guise of pragmatism, Alvarez dismisses the significance of defending our territorial integrity in the face of Chinese aggression.

While doubts about the USA’s commitment might be partially justified due to past lapses, brought about by many factors including the over-reliance of the USA on the text of the treaty, it’s crucial to note that the Mutual Defense Treaty between the USA and the Philippines is being updated.

However, Marcos’ strategy does not solely rely on the USA; rather, he is harnessing alliances among like-minded nations like Japan and India.

Marcos is actively fortifying the country’s military capabilities to ensure a robust defense posture against any aggressor.

Alvarez’s cynicism not only undermines these strategic partnerships but also emboldens our adversaries, signaling weakness and appeasement on the international stage.

Alvarez’s audacious assertion that poverty alleviation and economic development should take precedence over defending our sovereignty is a betrayal of the Filipino people.

While these issues are undeniably important, they cannot come at the expense of our national security.

It is the duty of our government to address multifaceted challenges simultaneously, not to prioritize one at the expense of the other.

Furthermore, Alvarez’s attempt to deflect attention from China’s aggressive actions in the West Philippine Sea by highlighting domestic issues is a disgraceful evasion of responsibility.

It is precisely because of our territorial integrity that we are able to pursue economic development and poverty alleviation.

Surrendering to China’s territorial ambitions would only serve to undermine our economic prosperity and national security in the long run.

In the face of Alvarez’s treacherous proposition, it is imperative that we reaffirm our commitment to defending our sovereignty and upholding the rule of law.

President Marcos must unequivocally reject Alvarez’s misguided advice and demonstrate unwavering resolve in protecting our nation’s interests.

Now is not the time for capitulation or appeasement; it is a time for courage, determination, and unwavering patriotism.

As citizens, we must hold our leaders accountable and demand that they prioritize the defense of our nation’s sovereignty above all else.

We cannot afford to betray the sacrifices of our forefathers or compromise the future of our children for the sake of short-term expediency.

Let us stand united in defense of our nation, resolute in the face of adversity, and unwavering in our commitment to freedom, sovereignty, and justice.


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