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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Move It answerable for its rider’s traffic infractions — LTFRB

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The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) yesterday said it would make motorcycle taxi firm Move It liable for the infractions of its rider along the EDSA busway last Tuesday.

LTFRB Chairman Teofilo Guadiz told reporters that since the driver is employed by Move It, the company has a responsibility over him and the rider’s actions while on duty.

“We would coordinate with Move It to let them explain their rider’s actuations during his traffic infractions. Move It management must be answerable for their riders,” Guadiz said.

Guadiz added the rider’s claim that they must be exempted from entering the EDSA bus lane is unjustifiable, as he also cited it as a reason for not immediately surrendering his driver’s license to the MMDA traffic enforcers who accosted him.

“We are not satisfied with their answer. This could result in the temporary suspension of the franchise of TNC in the area where the traffic violations occurred,” Guadiz explained.

He also said that since it’s a first offense, they might only move for a suspension.

The company has yet to react to the incident as of posting time.

However, Guadiz warned Move It that if the same violations would become frequent it could result in more stringent sanctions, which may include suspension of the company’s franchise.

Guadiz stressed that Move It is answerable to the incident for its failure to properly screen its riders.

On Tuesday, MMDA traffic personnel flagged down a Move It rider for entering the bus lane along EDSA. But instead of stopping, the rider tried to speed away, endangering his passenger and the traffic enforcers that sought to stop him.


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