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Friday, September 20, 2024

Pinoy inventor cited for fuel saving combustor

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A Filipino inventor has received an international award from the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) for his invention that eliminates emissions from all types of engines from vehicles to ships.

 George de Guzman, the Filipino inventor, received the NRCT Bronze Prize Award and Certificate of Appreciation in February, but it was only over the weekend that this writer learned about the citation during an interview with the awardee.

 De Guzman, a former basketball player turned inventor, called his invention “Power-Up Power Combustor” and said that it can eliminate emissions from vehicles, ships, and generators.

 Dr. Wiparat De-ong, NRCT executive director, signed the Bronze Prize Award and Certificate of Appreciation awarded to De Guzman, citing the Filipino inventor for his“creative efforts to invent Power Up Fuel Combustor.”

 In an interview, De Guzman profusely thanked the NRCT for the award. De Guzman said he was not present to receive the award at the Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition in Thailand in February, but he was represented by Ronald P. Pagsanghan, president of the Filipino Inventors Society.

De Guzman said his not only eliminates emissions but also saves fuel consumption by as much as 50 percent and gives more power to the engine.

 “Another advantage of using ‘Power Up Combustor’ is that change oil is done after 30,000 kilometers,” De Guzman said.

“With gasoline prices going up every week, Power Up Combustor is the answer,” he stressed.


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