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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Our Good Shepherd

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“Each one must be the Good Shepherd to everyone as part of the human race even if we are different in many ways”

IN THE Gospel of John, Jesus employs the powerful imagery of a shepherd tending to his flock to illustrate his deep connection with his followers.

He asserts he is not just a shepherd, but the very gateway for the sheep, and the ultimate Good Shepherd who willingly sacrifices himself for their well-being.

This portrayal stands in stark contrast to those who seek to exploit and harm, likened to thieves and robbers whose intentions are solely to pillage and bring ruin.

Just as a shepherd knows each of his sheep, Jesus intimately understands us—our strengths, struggles, and quirks. He beckons us to place our complete trust in Him.

Even beyond His resurrection, Jesus continues to watch over us. He advocates for us before the Father, ensuring our welfare.

Jesus speaks of other sheep not from the same fold, symbolizing people from diverse backgrounds. His desire is for unity—a unified flock under one Shepherd.

In his Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis observes that war, terrorist attacks, racial or religious persecution, and many other affronts to human dignity, “have become so common as to constitute a real ‘third world war’ fought piecemeal.” 

Pope Francis invites us to recognize our shared humanity, embrace fraternity, and work towards a world free from war, hatred, violence, and indifference. 

Giving the example of St. Francis of Assisi, the pope emphasizes the saint sowed the seeds of peace wherever he went.

According to the encyclical, “politics must make room for a tender love of others.

“What is tenderness? It is love that draws near and becomes real. A movement that starts from our heart and reaches the eyes, the ears and the hands… Tenderness is the path of choice for the strongest, most courageous men and women.”

Amid the daily concerns of political life, “the smallest, the weakest, the poorest should touch our hearts: indeed, they have a ‘right’ to appeal to our heart and soul. They are our brothers and sisters, and as such we must love and care for them”.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the conflict in Middle East particularly involving Israel-Gaza and now between Israel and Iran have broad implications for the Middle East and the rest of the world.

The Middle East is no stranger to conflict, and the events in Ukraine add another layer of complexity.

Regional players must navigate their responses carefully, considering existing tensions and alliances.

This conflict reverberates beyond itsimmediate borders, affecting the whole region and emphasizing the need for concerted efforts toward peace.

The situation is tricky as it requires the importance of diplomacy, dialogue and international cooperation inmaintaining peace and stability.

The crisis emphasizes the urgent and indispensable need  to put aside all differences and, in the face of suffering, to draw near to others with no questions asked.

As the pope says in Fratelli Tutti, “I should no longer say that I have neighbors to help, but that I must myself be a neighbor to others.”

Jesus, as our Good Shepherd, serves as the ultimate example of the need to foster unity, and show compassion and fraternal love despite differences in our beliefs, ideology, and situations in life.

Beneath the surface, we all share common hopes, fears, and dreams. Our hearts beat with similar rhythms, regardless of our backgrounds.

Unity begins when we recognize our interconnectedness – a thread that binds us together as fellow travelers on this journey of life.

Our differences—whether religious, cultural, linguistic, or ideological—add vibrancy to our existence.

Imagine a world where everyone looked the same, spoke the same language, and thought alike—it would be monotonous.

Instead, let’s celebrate our diversity. Each person brings a unique perspective, enriching our collective experience.

Small acts of kindness—smiling at a stranger, helping a neighbor, or offering a word of encouragement—create ripples of unity.

Love and fraternal care and compassion.

Each one must be the Good Shepherd to everyone as part of the human race even if we are different in many ways.


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