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Saturday, September 21, 2024

5 steps to treat child’s fever

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In most cases, a fever is a healthy sign that the child’s immune system is at work, health professionals say. What’s important to know is how to manage it at its onset regardless of the cause.

5 steps to treat child’s fever
Parents should identify the changes in their children’s actions to determine how they are doing. 

According to Dr. Carmina A. delos Reyes, pediatrician and infectious disease specialist, fever has various causes. “It can be due to an infection, inflammation, allergies, or prolonged heat exposure. Its treatment depends on the underlying problem. While it is important to pursue diagnostic tests, fever management is still highly recommended to provide comfort to the sick child.”

To have a better grasp on how to manage child’s fever effectively, here are five easy steps:

Step 1: Recognize and identify fever and discomfort

While older kids verbalize their symptoms or discomfort, younger ones such as toddlers and babies express themselves through behavior. Be keen on changes in action and attitude such as loss of interest in toys or playing, loss of appetite, and increased crying.

The best way to confirm a child’s fever is by measuring their temperature using a thermometer. The normal temperature range for children is 36.5-degree to 37.5-degree Celsius. When the number rises above 37.5-degree, the child has a fever and in need of treatment.

Step 2: Give the right dose of paracetamol

Once it’s been confirmed that the child has a fever, give them paracetamol as the first-line treatment, as  prescribed by the World Health Organization.

Dose it correctly by taking the child’s weight and following the recommended dosage instructions for their weight band. The information is usually found on product labels. Age can also be used as an alternative to guide dosing based on package instructions.

Step 3: Don’t forget to use the measuring device provided

Measuring medicine may sound like an easy task, but many parents are guilty of under-dosing their child. WHO recommends parents to use the measuring device provided with the product to avoid errors.

How about tablespoons and teaspoons? Although they seem harmless, using kitchenware can double the risk of dosing errors for children. It is best to stick to the dosing device provided. Check with  doctor or pharmacist for guidance.

Step 4: Monitor child’s progress and help them feel better


Monitor the temperature and check regularly for rashes or fatigue

Check on the child’s fever at night

Ensure that the child drinks plenty of fluids

Have the child stay at home until the fever has gone down


Do not give sponge or cool baths

Do not under-dress or over-dress a feverish child 

Step 5: If fever persists, give the child paracetamol again

If the fever does not subside immediately, give them another dose of paracetamol (at 15 mg/kg) every four to six hours. Just be sure to not administer paracetamol more than four times in a 24-hour period. Calpol for Kids is clinically proven to relieve six types of pain and fever and starts working in just 15 minutes.


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