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Friday, September 20, 2024

Helping children deal with COVID-19 stress

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Behind the innocent looks, the jolly smiles, the endless questions, children may be affected by harmful factors brought by the current COVID-19 pandemic, obviously aside from contracting the virus itself. 

Helping children deal with COVID-19 stress
Reassure children while educating them, in a clear and child-friendly way, about the situation.

Disrupted education, loss of income of parents due to the enhanced community quarantine, and other negative triggers to their emotional, social, and physical well-being can result to great amount of stress for kids.

“Children are not exempted to the effects of this pandemic especially those who are directly affected and currently living in the most vulnerable and poor conditions,” says Rommel V. Fuerte, national director of World Vision Philippines. 

In light of the glaring need to safeguard children from the lingering threat of COVID-19, the children-focused organization suggests 11 ways adults can do to help children cope with stress. 

Helping children deal with COVID-19 stress
World Vision lists down the 11 things adults can do to help children cope with COVID-19 stress.

• Help children find positive ways to express disturbing feelings. 

• Encourage a caring environment around them. 

• Make opportunities for children to play and relax. 

• Keep them close to their parents and family. 

• Ensure regular and frequent contact (via phone and video calls) and reassurance. 

• Keep regular routines and schedules, or help them create new ones.

• Educate them about the situation and give clear child-friendly information. 

• Demonstrate to children how they can keep themselves safe. Social distancing and sanitation practices like proper handwashing protects them from COVID-19 and other diseases.

• Avoid spreading rumors and fake news. 

• Support activities for children during home isolation/quarantine. 

• Manage your own emotions well and stay calm.

Helping children deal with COVID-19 stress
It's vital to make opportunities for children to play, even if they are stuck at home.

To help address the growing number of cases nationwide, World Vision commits to support at least 100 health facilities with basic health facility disinfectant kits and provide medical frontliners, including barangay health emergency response teams, with personal protective equipment. World Vision also looks into providing families with sanitation kits that include bath soaps, alcohol, face masks, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.

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