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Saturday, September 21, 2024

ICATS‘ 10th Annivesary message of worldwide solidarity amid COVID-19

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At the peak of its 10th year founding anniversary, the International Cabin Attendant Training School (ICATS) has had to comply with the government’s mandate to temporarily shut down business operations, but that won’t keep ICATS from making its celebration meaningful. With that, the school has made this video to honor everyone affected by the crisis brought about by the COVID-19 virus. 

ICATS, its employees, trainers, former students who are now in different parts of the world have come together to send their love amidst this global pandemic through song. Professional or not, each of them have sung from the bottom of their hearts to send the world a message, "We’re all in this together," a phrase you’ll be hearing from them through the years.

Country leaders, frontliners, COVID-19 patients, people who are struggling, we are all fighting our own battles in this war but together we will win this!

"This is indeed history in the making, a story we’ll tell our children and grandchildren 5, 10, 20 years from now, even more. Let us make it a story worth sharing, with you and me as instruments in making our world a better place once again. A simple act of kindness would mean the world to many, those words have never rung more true than today." – Princess Joy Garcia, ICATS CEO


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