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Saturday, September 21, 2024

‘People food’ for cats

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Dry and canned cat food  are designed for the health and digestive needs of cats.  However, there are human food that can be added to their diet to make their meal time more exciting and to provide additional health benefits.

Jill sleeps after eating, and she eats anything!  Her fave is boiled chicken with a little mashed pumpkin. This is given to cats as a treat.

“Anyone who has a cat knows that they are clever and sneaky little creatures. They’re curious animals and always interested in whatever their humans are doing — or eating,” noted Ileana Paules-Bronet in “10 Healthiest ‘People Foods’ You Should Be Feeding Your Cat” in

“Pets always seem interested in the human food their people are eating, but they don’t realize that some of those foods could be bad for them,” she added.

Thus, she urged owners to be careful when giving human food to cats. There are food that can make cats sick or can poison them.

These are: onions and garlic;  raw eggs, raw meat and  bones; chocolate and caffeinated drinks; alcohol and raw dough; and milk and dairy products due to some digestive issues that might occur.

The human food suggested here are meant to be supplements to a cat’s diet.  They should be introduced slowly and given in moderation, with the guidance of your veterinarian, Paules-Bronet stressed.

1.Cooked Meat

Cats, just like lions and tigers, are primarily meat eaters.

Paules-Bronet stressed cats “are designed to get their nutrition from meat, not vegetables and carbs like their human counterparts.”

Protein is very important for cats to have healthy hearts and reproductive systems, and healthy eyes.

Do not add spices when cooking meat for your cats and make sure the meat is cooked.

Remove the bones. Cats can choke on the bones.


Oatmeal is healthy for cats but do not be surprised if some cats will not eat this.

For cats who like oatmeal, this can be given to provide more fiber to a cat’s diet.

 3. Fish

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acid. This is good for the heart and your cat’s eyes.  But cook the fish.

Raw fish is not good for cats.  Eating raw fish can lead to salmonella or E. coli poisoning in cats. Some symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

Do not feed your cat straight from the can of cat food (mostly fish-based) as she might cut her tongue.

4.Cooked Eggs

Eggs are a good source of protein and vitamin B.  But cook the eggs before giving to your cat to prevent e. coli or salmonella poisoning.  Also, please remove the shell.

Paules-Bronet said that “Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, President of the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP), explains to Animal Planet that some cats can actually be allergic to eggs, so make sure to give them just a tiny bit first to check for any allergic reaction.”

Angel and his favorite bowl which is always filled with food.

5. Fresh Vegetables

Vegetables are healthy for cats as they contain lots of vitamins and fiber, which can aid general health and digestion.

But a lot of cats do not like vegetables.  If your cat likes veggies, give him or her a little steamed or boiled asparagus or broccoli, baked carrots, pumpkin,  green beans, or chopped greens. Please wash the vegetables thoroughly before serving them to your cat.

“Sometimes, cats will chew on house plants, which can be toxic for them. If you notice them doing this, Dr. Colleran says that small portions of veggies can be a good option for your cat instead,” said Paules-Bronet.

6. Cheese

Cheese and other dairy products are loaded with protein, but “a lot of cats are lactose intolerant and cannot process dairy properly,” said Paules-Bronet.

“If you’re not sure how your cat reacts to dairy, try giving them a tiny amount — if they have any sort of stomach upset, they may be lactose intolerant,” Paules-Bronet said.

7. Fish Oil

You can enhance a cat’s food with fish oil which can keep your cat’s skin from getting dry and can make your cat’s coat shiny and healthy.

8. Fresh fruit

Some fruits are good for cats.

“If your cats are always chewing on your house plants, though, fruit can be a great option for them,” said Paules-Bronet.

“Cantaloupe is especially good for cats because it is high in antioxidants and beta-carotene, which can help keep your cat’s skin and eyes healthy,” Paules Bronet added.

Remove the seeds and skin of the melon before giving to your cat.

“Since cats are carnivores, their bodies can only process small amounts of fruits and veggies at a time, “ Paules-Bronet stressed.

9. Bread

Bread is a source of fiber and protein.

But do not give white bread to cats. Whole wheat breads, or breads with whole grains in them, can be given to them.

“Again, bread should not replace your cat’s regular food, but instead it should just be used as a supplemental treat once in a while,” Paules-Bronet said.

10. Canned Baby Food

Meat-based baby food  can be given to cats who are recovering from an illness. Cats who have been sick sometimes avoid their usual food. You can put the medicine in the baby food to ensure the cat gets the medicine on time.  

Do not make baby food a regular part of your cat’s diet. This should be given only when you need to give medicine to your cat.

Avoid baby food with salt in it, or onions and garlic. These  are harmful to your cats.  

“And as always, talk to your vet before changing your pets’ diet, and always feed them safe human food in moderation,”Paules-Bronet said.

For more vegetables and fruits you can give to your cat, please ask your vet. 


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