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Friday, September 20, 2024

Up your career game while in quarantine

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The pandemic has significantly affected professional careers, rendering many unemployed and underpaid, and others stuck in uncertainty. 

Up your career game while in quarantine
Got a lot of spare time? Experts suggest using it to reevaluate your career trajectory, learn new knowledge and skills, and build your professional relationships.

But that extra time can be utilized to reevaluate career trajectory and seize opportunities to move forward. A leading insurer suggests five things one can do today that would help them in the future. 

Improve personal branding

A person’s branding is largely based on their online image—it allows them to let employers know their story, goals, skills, and expertise. To build a personal brand, update and organize all your online profiles, especially on social networking platforms LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. 

Use a professional photo and quantify accomplishments. Try to avoid posting anything that isn’t appropriate for work. It is also ideal to create a personal website, portfolio, or blog where one can showcase their professional journey, work, and achievements. 

Keep learning

Take online classes: there are thousands of options that can enhance an individual’s knowledge on business, communication, marketing, financial literacy, and more. Many websites, experts, and even Ivy League schools in the US are offering classes for free during the lockdown so make the most of this opportunity. Read career advice books that can help you become a more well-rounded person at work.

Find a mentor

A mentor can benefit a person and their career in many ways. They can offer valuable insight in advancing one’s career and be a sounding board for ideas at work. Having a mentor can also provide a new perspective, which can be helpful in relating to co-workers and other individuals. A mentor is also an avenue to build one’s network. 

When looking for a mentor, it’s advisable to consider someone who is at a job or position you aspire to be at. Reciprocate the relationship by offering them resources or promoting their projects to your network.

Gain experience

Consider making use of your spare time to gain more experience in the field that you’re currently in or an area you want to transfer to, while also earning some extra income. Seek virtual tutoring opportunities and other online freelance jobs. “However, try not to spread yourself too thin and find a side hustle where you can manage your own time, like being an Axa financial advisor,” suggests Axa. During this time, you might also want to consider doing volunteer work like organizing fundraising activities, food drives, or PPE donations. 

Be smart with money

Living from paycheck to paycheck may hinder a person from taking chances on progressing their career given the fear of being left with no steady source of income. Those who want to take risks and advance their career are advised to create a financial plan. Start building an emergency fund, save up for retirement, and opt to buy the right health and life insurance products that will provide a safety net when emergencies or unexpected job problems occur. 


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