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Friday, September 20, 2024

Solidarity in fight vs. COVID-19

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In this fight against COVID-19, there’s no front or back line. We all have an equally important role in this pandemic.

Solidarity in fight vs. COVID-19
Salute to all our medical front liners, healthcare care workers, fast-food and convenience store crew, farmers, courier service riders and drivers, security guards, police, barbers and hair salon stylists, grocery and supermarket personnel, our colleagues in the media industry, street sweepers and garbage collectors, mall salespeople, and all of the individuals who made and continue to make our quarantines a little easier. Lino Santos, JR Josue, and John Mark Pineda

Worldwide figures for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are staggering. As of this writing, 13.2 million people all over the world have been infected with the highly-contagious disease, with over 200,000 of that number added only in a span of 24 hours. 

The global death toll has breached the half-a-million mark with over 575,000 fatalities due to complications brought about by COVID-19. In the United States alone, which is still the leading country with most cases at 3.3 million, COVID-19 has killed more Americans than the Vietnam war. 

The current death count stands at over 100,000 deaths—US soldiers killed in action in Vietnam, 58,318.

In the Philippines, there are now more than 61,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, while 1,643 have so far succumbed in the battle against the deadly virus. 

The numbers may seem daunting, but the statistics offer some hope, too.

Around the globe, a total of 7.3 million people have already recovered from COVID-19. The Philippines likewise posted a record-high number of recoveries in a single day the past week with more than four thousand recoveries, bringing the total to 20,000+ as of mid-July. 

More than a hundred days and counting into government-imposed quarantines in the country, the battle is far from won, but little by little, only time and numbers will tell that the Filipino has conquered COVID-19. And that’s through the combined effort of our frontliners, backliners, bolstered initiatives of local government units, and the unwavering resolve of Filipino ingenuity.

This article, along with the other stories in this second part of a special feature series first published back in May, is Manila Standard's open letter of appreciation to medical front liners, healthcare care workers, fast-food and convenience store crew, farmers, courier service riders and drivers, security guards, police, barbers and hair salon stylists, grocery and supermarket personnel, our colleagues in the media industry, street sweepers and garbage collectors, mall salespeople, and all of the individuals, who made and continue to make our quarantines a little easier. 

There are probably hundreds more job titles and thousands upon thousands more individuals, who need to be thanked for their contribution to this fight against a global pandemic, lists and names that our humble paper could not contain in one run of publishing. 

We thank everyone and the distinction should not be about who are on the frontlines, or supporting roles at the back, but rather a collective expression of gratitude to those who did their part however tangible or not, big or small, in this fight. Every contribution is one step towards defeating COVID-19. 

Of course, these individuals should not only get the thanks they deserve, but also the support they need.

Appreciation posts and thank you cards are a big boost to anyone’s moral, but the reality should also be addressed that industries like the medical sector to name a few, need ample support from government because saving lives certainly deserves more than just a thank you note. 

Solidarity in fight vs. COVID-19

We all have a role to play, let’s do our part to stay home and only go out when absolutely necessary, wear face masks as if they are a second skin, and remember to wash our hands. 

There is no front line or back line anymore; we are one in this fight.


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