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Filipino CPAs rising amid challenges due to pandemic

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With a six-point agenda amid the pandemic affecting lives and businesses around the world, Filipino certified public accountants have come up with a plan to continue delivering their mandate for the good of the country under “new normal” conditions.

Newly-elected Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants president Lope Bato Jr. has outlined the organization’s thrust for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 in an aptly strengthened commitment called RISING.

Starting with Recovery Programs from the Covid-19 health crisis, PICPA is to implement re-tooling, repurposing, and re-pivoting for many of its members with partnership and collaboration with private companies and government agencies like the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) as measures to dampen the effects of economic downfall.

Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants

As technology is now what pervades society in all aspects, PICPA reaches out to its more than 150,000 members worldwide through the use of Eventsbank for its In-house Programs. The organization aims to secure International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001:2015 certification on quality management system of documented information.

The country’s CPAs have Social Responsibility Programs as well. PICPA enters into agreements with government agencies (DILG, DTI, CDA,BLGF, BIR) and private organizations (PCCI, PAMA, etc.) for the implementation of Financial Accounting and Tax Advisory (FATA) Project. The project is a free seminar workshop focused on financial accounting and taxation to help support barangays, municipalities, cities and micro enterprises in the management of bookkeeping, financial management, preparation of financial statements, and compliance to tax obligations due to the government to help support nation building.

With its International Programs, PICPA continues to bring the Philippine brand of accountancy to the international stage through active involvement as officer, committee chairman or member of International Federation of Accountants, Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants, and ASEAN Federation of Accountants.

Its New Programs include media campaigns of activities which are relevant to nation-building. Members in good standing are issued Member Privilege Card to avail of discounts and freebies with merchant partners. The Continuing Professional Development on the Net Project offers webinars for free to members in good standing.

Ongoing programs including projects of previous PICPA administrations will be continued such as but not limited to supporting activities of the Professional Regulation Commission and Board of Accountancy, the Performance Governance System and the conduct of major annual events like PICPA Women Summit in celebration of Women’s Month, non-government organizations Summit, and Cooperative Summit.

Before taking the helm of PICPA on July 1, Bato served as the Executive Vice-President of the organization and as Regional Director representing Northern Mindanao in the National Board.

He earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Accounting degree from the Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology in 1986. He completed his Master of Business Administration at Centro Escolar University and currently a candidate for Doctor in Business Administration  at La Consolacion University of the Philippines.

After passing the CPA Board, he joined SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. and later organized Quilab Cabilin Bato & Co., a regional audit firm based in Mindanao. In 2016, he started his own firm known as Lope Laranjo Bato & Co. together with five of his senior managers as founding partners.

With many years of stint at PICPA, he has been awarded 2006 Outstanding PICPA Member, Honorary Lifetime Member of PICPA in 2010, Outstanding MSU-IIT Alumnus in the field of Banking and Finance in 2009, and Most Outstanding Director of the Rotary of Club of Cagayan de Oro in 2003, among other accolades.

“We rise together by first acknowledging the heroic acts of people during the pandemic, from whom we draw inspiration and motivation. We rise together to reflect how our community and the world have come together with resilience and compassion. We rise in solidarity as we support each other in bouncing back from economic and non-economic downfall,” the new PICPA president said during the virtual turnover and induction ceremonies on July 3.

“Some writers say, ‘the truth is that almost everyone knows nothing and almost everything is just a guess’ which I completely agree with. Our profession, like any others, is not spared from all the hurdles. The immediate challenges and obstacles faced by the four sectors namely, academe, commerce and industry, government, and public practice are to be dealt with squarely. We stand in solidarity as we make ourselves relevant to our country despite the hardships that we encounter at our inner core from our family life, to work life, to spiritual life,” he added.

“With the ‘new normal,’ we are left with only one choice and that choice is to continue the fight against the virus by making ourselves virus-free, by boosting our immune system, by observing all the proper health protocols, and by educating others the proper dealings of Covid-19 because no matter how we protect ourselves, our enemy is invisible,” he said.

“In times of an upheaval such as this unprecedented pandemic, we can get into a headspace to imagine a more hopeful future. Although there are many obstacles in life, hope allows us to approach them with a success mindset. It helps us to get closer to our goals despite the ups and downs of life. As it can be said by Pittacus Lore, ‘Even when the world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope,” he said.

Other officers sworn in are Marydith Miguel, Executive Vice President; Gladeys Jill Santos, VP for Operations; Atty. Rheneir Mora, VP for Commerce & Industry; Milagros Cardona, VP for Education; Atty. Roland Pondoc, VP for Government; Michael Gallego, VP for Public Practice; and Estelita Aguirre, Executive Director.

Founded in November 1929 by a group of illustrious pioneers in the accounting profession, PICPA aims to serve the best interest of the members and the stakeholders while promoting, upholding, and maintaining high standards in the accountancy profession and protecting public interest.

Its Core Values are Professional Excellence, Integrity, Commitment, Partnership and Teamwork, Advocacy for Quality, New Technologies and Innovativeness, and Social Responsibility. 


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