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Friday, September 20, 2024

Changes expected in POC constitution

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Efforts to introduce changes in the Philippine Olympic Committee constitution and bylaws are making progress.

An age limit of 78 has been imposed for leaders of national sports associations running for elective positions.

Board members who are elected will be limited to just two straight terms.

After that, anyone running for a post can do so after resting for one, 4-year Olympic cycle.

The alterations in the charter will take effect in the coming November elections.

All these after expected to be implemented in three months' time after the executive board of the POC came to an agreement during a virtual meeting last Wednesday.

More amendments are expected to be finalized following another executive board meeting in the first week of September.

The board is still discussing if leaders of non-Olympic sports bodies and are regular board members can join the executive board.

They are still resolving issues concerning heads of non-Olympic sports organizations if they can also be allowed to seek the POC presidency or any position in the board.

The agreement to make adjustments in the POC canon came a month after key amendments on age eligibility and term limits came under strong opposition.

The committee, which forwarded proposals for change, was chaired by Association of Boxing Alliances in the Philippines president Ricky Vargas.

Still unresolved is the proposal to remove the position of chairman.

This Saturday, the revisions done won't be part of the agenda of a scheduled virtual meeting of the POC General Assembly.

The GA will tackle the membership status of karatedo and dancesports in the Philippine Olympic Committee this month.

Recent change in the leadership of karatedo, and the introduction of break dancing in the Tokyo Olympics will be discussed.

Karate Pilipinas, through its president Richard Lim, is set to take the place of the Philippine Karatedo Federation as the recognized regular member.

This will be done after Karate Pilipinas got the recognition of the international federation.

The PKF lost recognition of the POC after cases of malversation were filed against its leaders back in 2018, and a new body eventually took over in handling the situation concerning the national team and its affair.

On the other hand, break dancing will be one of the new events to be played in the Tokyo Olympics.

Because of this, the status of the Dancesport Council of the Philippines under Becky Garcia, is expected to be elevated from associate to regular member.


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