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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Duterte’s unfinished legacy

"The High Court has become an unwitting tool."

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As one could see, it is the Duterte administration that is dividing the ruling bloc by consenting to the Supreme Court’s delay in deciding the petition of Bongbong Marcos against Leni Robredo. For the unjustified procrastination in the case, we now have a phony vice president, courtesy of the US and actively collaborated by the traitorous yellow opposition. The High Court has become their unwitting tool.

This is obvious, for many of our people now see a half-derailed train with all its political enemies galvanized on the issue of succession. The US is definitely entrenched, and that role is being played to the hilt by the political operators of Robredo. Lambasting the administration achieves the dual purpose of discrediting the President while serving to reinforce her fraudulent usurpation of the vice presidency. She remains in that position styling herself as the next in line.

People opposed to the administration would naturally cash in on the new gospel preached by this demagogue; more so that she is given much attention by the US-controlled media to lend credibility to her downright charlatanism.

Right now, we have the traditional politicians from the Liberal Party acting as proxy for foreign interest, a deliriously bigoted Church that serves as vicars for the elite, the greedy oligarchy who are fast to accuse our public servants as corrupt but are ready to influence and bribe them to keep intact their wealth and privileges, and the prostituted Left who grabs every opportunity to advance its misguided ideology. The entire spectrum in the opposition is orchestrated by the US.

The issue of succession has become primordial especially now that the President has admitted having an illness that could develop to cancer. Had the Supreme Court not been remiss in its duty, the unsolicited advice made by the US stooge would have naturally subsided. It is the delay in deciding the case that allowed her to don the title of vice president even if the vast majority of the people know her title is fraudulent.

Had the Supreme Court decided the petition, the cloak about her integrity and honesty would have been debased as equally fraudulent. It is for this that the hypocrisy of wanting to safeguard our democratic system reveals the truth that it is the High Court that is responsible for the erosion of the democratic system. Those justices like Diosdado Peralta and Marvic Leonen, for all their pretensions, are as guilty as those who committed the fraud.

The President is now being goaded by an unheard group of politicians calling upon him to declare a revolutionary government. Their sudden splash into the media came after they got wind of the President admitting his illness. That then roused the demagogue to pitch in, hoping she might finally be catapulted to the presidency by accident.

Before that, the strategy of this conceited demagogue is to discredit the administration to erode the towering popularity of the President. This opportunistic fraud unilaterally addressed the people to remind them that she stands as the constitutional successor, as though Duterte were on death’s throes. However, when she noticed it was a propaganda floated by Malacanang, she coyly backtracked to explain she only wanted to remind them of her right to succeed.

All her ranting against the administration is given media mileage because she stands as our vice president no matter how unpalatable it may be. The situation is aggravated because of the tardiness of the Supreme Court in deciding the petition. For that, the demagogue now demands that the people should respect the Constitution at all costs; otherwise she will be technically eased out.

One must bear in mind that those justices who sit as members of the PET are the ones giving her the presumption as vice president, contrary to the belief of the majority of the electorate. It is this gap that hovers above our head that creates a division among our people.

Many believe a decision whether for or against the petition is not forthcoming. External pressure is working tooth and nail to keep this country under the thumb of the US. A divided country would greatly favor the opposition. PET is likely to succumb to US pressure, for that would residually benefit the usual groups led by the oligarchy, the Church, and the communist rebels.

Should PET abandon its duty to make a decision as mandated by the Constitution, it should at least give the petitioner the courtesy of returning the bond. Otherwise, it will appear they merely extorted the petitioner with those justices nonchalantly ignoring that they made a monkey of our judicial system.

The spate of ambushes and bombings in Mindanao is adding new dimension to the problem as if to force the administration to impose emergency rule. That decision could principally relieve the inutile justices the burden of deciding the case. The arrogant lawyer of the self-styled vice president even taunted the voters that Bongbong Marcos will not be able to take his seat. If the inutile PET does not come out with a decision in favor of Marcos, they will be handing victory to the US on a silver platter.

The lawyer of that charlatan does not even understand what he is talking about. The President never said anything like of establishing a revolutionary government for him to insist that his fraudulent client is the only person who can constitutionally succeed the President. Nonetheless, when one talks of a revolutionary government, the same lawyer forgot that he can no longer invoke the Cory Constitution he insinuates to have been said by the President.

On the other hand, to declare Bongbong Marcos the winner is to declare the phony vice president politically dead. That will be the greatest setback to the US’ plan to bring back the Philippines to its fold. More than that, the phony will not win even as representative of her own province. This explains why the PET has become the unwitting instrument of the US empire by their institutionalization of electoral fraud for the Filipino people.

Should the decision affirm that there was no electoral fraud, the great majority of the Filipino people will lose faith in our electoral system. All the American instrumentalities responsible for defrauding the people will be emboldened knowing how easy it is to defraud the Filipinos. A victory for the phony is an assurance that the opposition will again lord it over.

It will be a repeat performance of what happened to Marcos. It will be pay-back time for the carpet-bagging oligarchy, specifically for the Lopez-owned ABS-CBN. It would be sheer luck for the President and his batch of cronies not to suffer the vengeance of sequestration and face criminal raps for unexplained wealth with the US joining in singling them out for collaborating with that Chinese businessman who eased out their local wards. This cycle is their way of securing the triumphant return of the bankrupt empire.

Remember, the US has more reason to be bitter to Duterte than to Marcos. The administration of Duterte came at a time when the US and China are bitterly at odds in trade war and political dominance. There is greater insecurity for the US in seeing China overtake its economy. This is one single issue why Robredo is ingratiating herself as their lapdog – to oust what many Americans see as openly pro-China government.

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