27.2 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024

622-ha agri land donated to DAR

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The Cagayan State University under the Commission on Higher Education has donated a 622-hectare agricultural land to the Department of Agrarian Reform for distribution to farmer-beneficiaries.

With CSU vice president Ranhilio Aquino and other DAR officials as witnesses, Agrarian Reform Secretary John Castriciones signed the deed of transfer validated by both institutions of coverable government-owned lands.

“This signing of the deed of transfer signify (sic) the beginning of empowerment of our agrarian reform beneficiaries in this province. They would till the lands awarded to them without the fear of them getting ejected from these properties,” he said.

He vowed to provide the necessary support services to the recipients to make their lands productive, improve their economic lives and contribute in ensuring food security in the country. 

Arthur Faeldon, provincial agrarian reform program officer II, said DAR was committed to improve the lives of the people in the countryside, “the very reason why the DAR provincial office worked hard to make this undertaking happen.”

“I requested an area of 549 hectares from CSU Lallo and 73 hectares from CSU Piat which is the subject of the deed of transfer that would be covered and awarded to qualified beneficiaries under Executive Order 75. I am grateful that the officials of CSU understand the needs of our farmers and granted our request,” he said.


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