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Friday, September 20, 2024

Medical practitioners call COVID-19 prophylaxis, early treatment

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A group of medical practitioners is appealing for COVID-19 prophylaxis and early treatment in support of President Rodrigo Duterte’s call for the nation to “heal as one” in the fight against the global pandemic, to re-open the economy again while protecting the public’s health.

In a unity statement, the PH Doctors and Friends for C19 Prophylaxis and Early Treatment cited the need to heed the call of the President to assist in the fight against the pandemic and added there are now studies and researches that allow the scientific community to understand the virus better with more information compared to the previous months.

“For instance, various researches have confirmed that at least 93 percent of COVID deaths are people 55 years or older or those representing the high-risk groups,” the group said. They added, “The studies have also indicated that most of the deaths of having co-morbidities. These two groups of people constitute COVID's high-risk groups.”

In addition, the primary care physicians suggest that the treatment priority should focus on these vulnerable groups.

“As we have applied this protocol, we have seen an almost 100 percent success rate in treatment. Additionally, since we utilize homecare quarantine treatment to some of our patients, there was also a marked decrease in infection rates as well as easing the burden on the nation’s front liners and coffers. There was no need for hospital care too,” they went on to say.

According to the physicians, the medical protocols they are proposing could be easily scaled on a national level, besides being more cost-effective. If adopted, the protocols will allow the national government to allocate its limited resources to disease prevention and early treatment of flu-like illnesses, particularly on the vulnerable groups.

The group also suggested conducting training for the country’s primary care doctors to the barangay level to implement such protocols to eliminate the need to travel and work restrictions. This will enable businesses to re-open and our markets moving again, thus saving jobs and prevent the further deterioration of our economy,” they said.

On the age vulnerability, the group noted several pieces of research showing zero deaths among the under 19 age group as well as zero cases of child-to-elderly transmission. This means, schools can allow students to report on a face-to-face education environment again, they said.

Scrapping online education for this school year would save parents from buying expensive electronic equipment while providing relief to the environment with the reduction of plastic wastes coming from unnecessary face shields and protective tents.

They said, “Businesses would be able to reopen immediately, and our people can get back to work and revive the economy. The Philippines would reopen its doors to international and local tourism. Virtually overnight, we would see a recovery in the stock market, and foreign investment could once again come pouring in. We can retain our status as the darling of investors in this part of the globe.”

The group further suggested that the county adopts the HOPE strategy: Hospitalize less; Open up all businesses; Prevent illness. Don’t wait to cure it, and Educate all primary care physicians and the people on disease prevention

This can be achieved by implementing these two protocols:

1) Prevent Early. Treat Early; and

2) Quarantine the sick, not the healthy.

The group further appeals to the President to immediately adopt a national protocol for the prophylaxis and early treatment of COVID19 and to end all lockdowns and allow our people to begin to rebuild their lives.

"Once these measures are adopted, Mr. President, we will truly begin to heal as one nation,” they concluded.


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