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Friday, September 20, 2024

Lessons from Start-Up: Just Start

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Did you watch the KDrama Series Start-Up? It was an inspirational, practical and giddy kind of series that tackled the endeavors of venturing and starting up a business, plus the romantic and comic story of the leads, Do-San and Dal-Mi. Also, have you been scrolling the posts and updates on the social media and even in the news itself about the small businesses that are rising due to the recent happenings of the pandemic?

Putting the stories of the Startup Series side-by-side to the real-life situation of rising startups in the country, here are three things they have in common.

Started on not the most ideal of circumstance

Dal-Mi and Do-San started from the bottom, meaning they did not have many resources when they decided to establish their business but instead started with both goal and grit. Same with the current small business risk-takers nowadays. Most started during this lockdown, and some started with no to very little capital. This teaches us that we do not need a perfect time to start; we just need to have a reason for starting and a goal to keep us going.

Challenges come along the way

As the story progressed in the series, hurdles came along the way. Business is a complex, solution creation process. There will be challenges not only in the business and professional world but also in personal and relationship situations. Most struggle with cash flow, capital, bogus customers, rude dealings, and others in real-life. These challenges are a test of resiliency and character. However, these challenges will allow the startups to grow as long as they stay focused on the goal, whether it’s for personal vision, to provide for the family, or to create change and impact in this world.

There is always growth

As the series concluded, the characters showed so much growth in almost all aspects of life. Growth does not just manifest in profit but also in life, physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. One has to acknowledge each milestone and take opportunities that come along the way. Because no one could definitely tell what lies ahead, but just by taking the time to see the now and the point where one has started, one would see how much progress one made. I will not spoil the whole series, watch it yourself and enjoy the thrills of this great KDrama!

As the Nike slogan says, “Just do it.” If you are still struggling at that starting point, just think of the one thing that sparks within you and start with that. Be like Dal-mi, who started without a clear map of where she’s going. She just had that reason for doing it, and along the way, because she moved forward without regrets, she created the life she never knew was possible.

If you took that fateful first step, along with other start-up businesses that saw its start during this very uncertain time, you too, could have been one of the enterprises that skyrocketed during this pandemic. Be bold because you would never know the vastness of the ocean if you’ve never ventured past the shore. You’ll never realize how wonderful the journey would be with waves and dolphins that would accompany you along the way. One just has to take that first step to journey in the vast ocean of opportunity.

Indeed, reflecting the overall situation of uncertainty and the shift to a new or next normal, take that leap of faith! If not now, then when? As Young Sil challenged Ji Pyeong, “so be brave and just swing the bat. You could be called out, but you can also hit a home run.”

The author is an MBA student at the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University. This article is part of her blog for the course on Leadership, Ethics, and CSR.

The views expressed above are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the position of De La Salle University, its faculty, and its administrators.


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