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Sunday, September 22, 2024

DENR launches climate awards

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The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has launched its climate and disaster resiliency awards to recognize Filipinos who have been making a difference in bolstering climate and disaster resiliency. 

The agency, through its Gender and Development Office and Climate Change Service, rolled out its “Mga Kwentong KLIMA-likasan Tungo sa Katatagan: A Climate and Disaster Resiliency Recognition Awards.”

“This award will be a testament of the zeal and passion of all the people who do not merely talk but labor in the peripherals to bring knowledge and assistance on climate change concerns to those who need them most,” Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu said.

The Climate and Disaster Resiliency Recognition Awards is in support to the Global Good Stories Movement, and seeks to recognize the stories of individuals and groups on the impacts of climate change and disasters in their communities, and on

how they are addressing these through relevant programs on environmental protection and conservation, climate change and disaster risk reduction. 

“e know there are pockets of good stories and narratives at different levels.  As we seek them out, document and publicize them, we hope such can create even more ripples of hope for expanded good stories,” said DENR Undersecretary for Finance, Information Systems and Climate Change Analiza Rebuelta-The. 

The nationwide search is open to good stories about women leadership, community livelihood development, integrated water resources management, and coastal/upland protection.

The initiatives should have been going on at least for the last three years, until to date, or at least since 2018.


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