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Friday, September 20, 2024

Communist China’s political mantra

"There is a limit to what the world will believe from Red China’s communist propaganda machinery."

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It has been 72 years since the founding of the communist rogue country known today as the People’s Republic of China.  The infamous demagogue Mao Zedong is the father of the communist country and ruled it until his death in 1976.  

In 1949, Mao’s so-called “People’s Liberation Army” ended the civil war in China by defeating the Nationalist Chinese forces of the sitting Chinese president, Chang Kai-Shek.  Chang’s forces fled to the nearby island of Formosa, now known as Taiwan, and continued his anti-communist government there. 

The nationalist government led by Chang’s Kuomintang Party kept the title “Republic of China” and Taiwan was referred to as Nationalist China in the almanacs.  Western media called the new communist country Red China.

Although Mao was the “chairman” of what was supposed to be a collegial government under the Communist Party of China, Mao ruled the country like an absolute monarch.  He ordered the execution of perceived enemies of the state, particularly suspected sympathizers of the ousted Kuomintang government. 

Chinese nationals who remained in the mainland and who displayed the slightest dislike for communism were incarcerated in the subhuman conditions of Mao’s euphemistically labelled “re-education camps.”

Everyone in mainland China had to memorize Mao’s “little red book” which contained the dictator’s supposed thoughts on political philosophy and just about anything about communism.  

Mao’s Red China prohibited free speech and press freedom, and only the communist party propaganda newspaper was allowed to circulate.  The government created a state-run Christian church, and people cannot travel or assemble without the prior permission of their communist masters.  

The worst came in 1966 when Mao launched what he called the “cultural revolution.”  It was a violent social and political upheaval led by so-called “red guards” or radical students brainwashed by the propaganda arm of the communist party.  

Purging of perceived state enemies was extensively carried out in the bureaucracy, the factories, and the schools.  Daily activities everywhere had to stop briefly in the morning and in the afternoon to give way to on-site mandatory communal listening to communist political propaganda broadcast on state-run radio.  

Today, Mao is no longer around to terrorize his people, and the communist government in Beijing has become less intolerant about commerce.  However, the mantras Red China is known for remains in the propaganda arsenal of the government.

Red China is obsessed with the word “people’s” as seen in the name of the country and its army.  The word “people’s” gives the public the impression that sovereignty in Red China resides in the people, when it actually resides in the Communist Party of China.    

Although the Chinese mainland is not under any form of enemy occupation as the term is understood in International Law, the army there is still called the “People’s Liberation Army.”   

The phrase “people’s republic” is itself a redundancy because by definition, a republic is a creation of the people.  Thus, a “people’s republic” literally means “the people’s creation by the people” or something to that silly effect. 

Red China’s “re-education camps” are still around, and its inmates are required to recite mantras praising the Communist Party of China. 

Today, Red China is engaged in expansionist activities in the South China Sea in violation of International Law.  Beijing’s military forces have seized islets and shoals that fall within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.  

The Red Chinese dictator, Xi Jinping, has cleverly exploited the military inability of Manila to defend its territorial integrity.  He knows that Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is reluctant to create a war that the Philippines cannot win.  Thus, Xi brazenly treats the South China Sea as a Red Chinese lake.  

Red China’s bullying in the South China Sea has triggered endless protests from Manila, and has prompted the United States to send its naval presence in the area. Taiwan is on alert as Red Chinese war planes repeatedly violate Taiwan’s air defense zone.  Japan and Vietnam have not minced words in their criticism of Red Chinese maritime aggression. 

As expected, the communist giant replied with the usual mantra dished out by the Communist Party of China. 

Despite being the obvious bully in the South China Sea, Red China uses mantras like “we are defending Chinese sovereignty” and “the United States is threatening the peace and stability in the region” while all along, the communist hypocrite publicly professes a desire for peace.

There is a limit to what the world will believe from Red China’s communist propaganda machinery.  Like every bully, Red China is bound to stir a collective opposition against it, and it will end up regretting its folly.

It’s true that China is an ascending superpower with the military might and the financial wherewithal to stand on this assertion. The Philippines must once and for all realize that this kind of bullying can only be avoided once it acquires the military capability to command the respect it desires.


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