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Friday, September 20, 2024

5 things toward self-care


5 things toward self-careThese will help us survive this pandemic and start anew.”

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As we all struggle to keep safe and sane during this very difficult time of sickness, deaths, and grief, self-care is most important. It’s been almost a year and a half since COVID-19 struck and many of us, including myself, have been stuck indoors for most of the time due to the various types of lockdowns and community quarantines imposed on us. We are left to our own devices to cope.

Millions of Filipinos have lost jobs and livelihood. Except for a few, businesses, especially small and medium enterprises are met with huge losses. Even the middle class is feeling the economic slowdown and have started dipping into their savings.

Families and friends of those we lost to COVID-19 and various illnesses that could not be properly attended to by our overstretched healthcare providers are still grieving. Yet, we continue to lose more and more Filipinos. This time around, even children are afflicted by the more deadly Delta variant and parents are more worried than ever.

We are mostly frustrated by how the government is handling this pandemic. It seems that the administration is neither doing anything new nor is improving on initiatives to arrest the pandemic. It simply continues what it has been doing all along including efforts that have been proven to be ineffective. It just restricts people’s movement and nothing more than the usual. This distrust and frustration significantly contribute to people’s worries and uncertainties.

Not surprisingly, many of us are feeling depressed and anxious. Mental health is now a major concern alongside people’s physical health. A friend rightly said that wallet health is a big problem as well.

We should try to weather this problem collectively and individually. We exert effort towards self-care and look after each other’s health and wellbeing at the same time. Self-care comes first because we will not be able to care for others if we are not well in the first place. Contrary to what some may say, there is nothing selfish about first making sure that one is okay.

I do not know about others but as far as self-care goes, I have been navigating this uncharted pandemic territory mostly through gut-feel. This, of course, is besides the established protocols, learning from my own readings, and what doctors in my family say. I would like to share some of the few things I have been doing and so far found effective in preventing my frustrations from hitting the roof.

Do not be too hard on yourself. It is okay if you are unable to push yourself to finish to-do tasks. Sometimes, the mind goes blank and simply refuses to do what you want. At times like this, I stop working and do something that does not require me to think or analyze much. This ranges from playing games on my phone, watching funny videos, reading, or simply doing NOTHING.

Many times, good ideas and possible solutions come to me when I am not stressing myself to get them. I almost always have a small notebook and a pen nearby so when this happens, I write them down lest I forget.

There are also times when I fail in things I want achieved. I would spend some time thinking about why, but eventually, I accept the failure and be content with the thought that another opportunity may be coming my way. I like thinking that when it does, I will be better prepared.

In spite, and despite, have fun, laugh. There is always something that will make you laugh, no matter what. The good thing for those who have internet access is there is a wealth of content that’s sure to make you smile or laugh heartily, even when alone.

Get into something that you enjoy doing, or try something new that you think you will enjoy. You like creating art? Go. You like dancing? Dance your heart out! In my case, I have again taken up crocheting. It takes my mind off my worries, and I can do it while watching my favorite Netflix shows. Crocheting is my downtime activity and I feel accomplished when I finish a project.

Keep being productive. This is not just about livelihood but includes other things that give you the feeling of success whether big or small. Beyond work that brings me some money, I get into personal projects in areas that I feel passionate about. Philippine history is one. I am still into my “Roster of Valor” project and presently, there are already more than 6,000 revolutionists included in my list. Hopefully, there will be at least 10,000 by the time this pandemic is over.

I have also taken up being a “plantita” and now manage my small “jungle” in and around my home. I did not know that a new leaf, or a flower bud can be a source of such joy. So whether it is about finishing a book, rearranging furniture or redecorating your home, or finally doing that kitchen shelf that you have always wanted to do, get to it. You will feel good about yourself.

Stay connected. Whether it’s family, friends, or your community, never lose the connection. Initiate conversation. Find out how they are doing. Exchange notes on things you have “discovered”. We all need to remain connected, to belong. Do not let this pandemic break familes, friendships, and relationships. Remember, we can draw strength from each other. Nothing beats the feeling of being together despite the physical distance we must keep.

Lastly, look good. This is really for your own self-esteem. With almost everything done online, it is very easy to neglect how we look. In my case, I try to look good for myself. Wear that nice dress to an online meeting. I have yet to do it, but I would like to wear heels to “go to work” which is literally stepping out of my bedroom these days. When I look good, I feel good and confident. I can beat COVID-19. So, go on, put on that nice coat, those shiny shoes, and hit that “join meeting” tab. Wow them all. Because, why not?

I read somewhere that these days, it is such a big privilege to be alive, and therefore, we might as well do things we like. Self-care will help us survive this pandemic and start anew.

@bethangsioco on Twitter  

Elizabeth Angsioco on Facebook  


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