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Friday, September 20, 2024

VaxCert to launch in October; solons see clash with ‘yellow card’

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The VaxCertPH program, a portal for the issuance of COVID-19 vaccination certificates to fully inoculated individuals, would be fully implemented at least for overseas Filipino workers in Metro Manila and other areas by October.

Undersecretary Emmanuel Caintic of the Department of Information and Communications Technology told legislators Friday that the agency will dry-run the system in the National Capital Region “and specifically for OFWs first.”

“This is just to perfect the processes, not the system,” Caintic added in reply to Batanes Rep. Ciriaco Gato Jr.

However, legislators questioned the planned issuance of vaccination cards by the DICT and other government agencies when other countries just require travelers to present the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis as approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Iloilo Rep. Janette Garin on Friday also cited the need for Congress to craft a policy that will exempt OFWs from paying the fees for the Carte Jaune or “yellow card” being issued by the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) for outbound travel as proof of full inoculation against COVID-19.

In particular, the P300 fee for the issuance of yellow cards should be waived, said Garin.

Developed by the DICT and the Department of Health, VaxCertPH is based on the data submitted by local government units through the Vaccine Information Management System (VIMS).

The DICT has urged local governments to submit their list of residents vaccinated against COVID-19 for the digital vaccine certificate project. The list could be submitted through the vaccine administration system, which is part of VIMS.

Known as the “Carte Jaune” or “yellow card,” the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis is recognized internationally and may be required for entry for travelers who came from countries where there are increased health risks.

Nueva Ecija Rep. Estrellita Suansing asked why traveling Filipinos would still need yellow cards if the government will be issuing vaccination certificates.

Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary Eric Tamayo and Health Assistant Secretary Eric Tayag told lawmakers that their agencies and the BOQ are currently issuing yellow cards while waiting for the launch of VaxCertPH.

Tayag said the process of issuing yellow cards will be harmonized once the DICT is ready to issue its card, prompting Suansing to ask why there is a need for a separate document.

Suansing noted the P300 fee for the yellow card and added: “I am really looking forward to the issuance of the DICT card because it is free.”

In response, Caintic explained the need to still use VaxCertPH, as there are other details about COVID-19 vaccinations which are not contained in the yellow card.

He said the yellow card will still be a necessary document for travel, as these cover vaccination information on other diseases like yellow fever and cholera and pointed out that it was adopted before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Caintic said the 196 member-countries of the United Nations recognize the yellow card that is for yellow fever, measles, and other communicable diseases.

Recording COVID vaccination is complicated because of the data required to be included, like dates of vaccinations, “first and second injections, the brand and other data,” he said.

“That is why the WHO adopted a new standard that the vaccine card should be digital because it should be easy to validate its contents,” he added.

As some countries may not recognize VaxCert as issued by the Philippine government, the yellow card will serve as a supporting document to show that the traveler is fully vaccinated, Caintic added.

“Maybe we can waive the P300 fee. Congress should lobby for that. We owe it to our OFWs,” Garin, a member of the House minority bloc, said at the hearing.

Currently, anyone who wishes to get a yellow card has to pay P370, of which P300 is the “documentary stamp fee” while P70 is called a “convenience fee.”

Several legislators supported Garin’s call, even as they appealed to the national government to exempt OFWs from paying fees imposed for the issuance of vaccination certificates.

But BOQ Director Roberto Salvador said yellow cards are necessary “only if they have a confirmed flight.”

Travelers who want to secure a yellow card can apply through the agency’s online booking system.


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