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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Chinese General warns public vs. fake negative RT-PCR results

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The Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center (CGHMC) has warned the public against individuals offering fake RT-PCR negative test results from CGHMC.

In a statement, the CGHMC said this scheme is made by using an RT-PCR test result and altering the name and personal details of the patient who underwent the COVID testing. It is replaced with the name of another person and corresponding personal details. 

The fake RT-PCR test result allows a person to obtain a negative RT-PCR test result without the need to undergo an actual swabbing procedure irrespective of his or her health status, the hospital said.

Moreover, fake RT-PCR test results gravely endanger public health and make a mockery of the efforts of both public and private sectors including our medical front-liners who make daily sacrifices to provide accurate, safe and reliable COVID-19 testing to safeguard public health and beat this pandemic, the CGHMC further said.  

The Chinese General Hospital & Medical Center COVID-19 Test results carry a unique QR Code. The authenticity of our RT-PCR Results is verifiable by scanning the QR Code on the official test results which will link the holder to our secure website where one can view the patient’s information and test result as attested by qualified medical professionals.

“We implore the public to be very careful in accepting RT-PCR test results and to verify our test results through this method for their safety and peace of mind. Anyone who suspects the presentation of fraudulent COVID-19 test results or should come across individuals or groups illegally selling RT-PCR test results should immediately contact the hospital through telephone no. 87114141 locals 369 or 370, the Department of Health (DOH), or any appropriate authorities to report the matter,”    Dr. James G. Dy, President of CGHMC, said.

The hospital also reserves the right to file appropriate criminal, civil and administrative cases against anyone involved in the manufacture, sale, and use of fake CGHMC RT-PCR test results.   

“We enjoin the public to continue to work together and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus by obtaining original and verifiable RT-PCR tests only from DOH-accredited Molecular Laboratory facilities,” Dy further said.

The falsification of COVID-19 test results is a crime punishable under the Revised Penal Code under Art. 172, 174, and 175, the act of falsification and knowingly using falsified documents and false medical certificates. It is also a violation of Republic Act #11332 or “The Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act” which provides for penalties of a fine and/or imprisonment, under Section 09 (b) Tampering of records or intentionally providing misinformation about health status and health records. 


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