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Friday, September 20, 2024

Duterte either wants to be a kingmaker or remain president

Duterte either wants to be a kingmaker or remain president“What is he doing?”

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People who value decency did not expect that the man who holds the title of president and addressed to as His Excellency would take the level of besmirching his political enemies in favor of Senator Bong Go in a political charade played by Duterte himself. What he is doing to Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. are things that do not only fall under the category of malicious innuendoes but one amounting to intimidating the political rival of his subaltern.

The seemingly invincible tandem between the president and Senator Bong Go not only came out with fantastic gossip but bad-mouthed their political rivals. All for the sake of Bong Go, appropriately tagged as “running dog” by many, Duterte has become a kingmaker.

When Digong sounded out that one presidential candidate is a cocaine user, it was his subaltern who first presented himself to a drug test. It was a political stunt made by a lapdog.   He did not bother to analyze whether it was he being alluded to by the President.

There has yet to be identified as a suspect.  Only the knee-jerk candidates from the Left demanded that BBM submit himself to a drug test. Nonetheless, BBM submitted himself to a drug test just to close the brouhaha alluded to by the loquacious President.

Nonetheless, to point a finger at a person as a drug user, the accuser must give grounds why he must submit himself to a drug test. These are the circumstances before a person can submit himself to a drug test.  It is not the use of drugs that is being determined but the antecedent crime committed after the use of drugs.

Without the circumstances to suspect the person is a drug user, nobody can just point to any Tom, Dick and Harry as a drug suspect.     Any person unjustly labeled as a drug user has every right not to submit himself to a drug test.  He is also entitled to his privacy.

Digong and his subaltern should have known that a person is required to undergo a drug test not because the authorities want to know if he is a drug user, but to confirm the fact that there is a valid reason for the issuance of a warrant of arrest.  And even on that basis, there has to be proximate evidence that one is a drug user.    It cannot be subject to the whims of one demanding that a person be subjected to a drug test. Unfortunately, all presidential candidates voluntarily underwent a drug test. They all appeared like clowns as if to convince the electorate they are clean.

Another, is the suspicion that the President is trying to create a rift between his daughter Sara and BBM.  Should he succeed, it will be Digong and Bong Go that will benefit from the lousy intrigue.  Digong was not really mad at Sara by choosing BBM as his running mate.  He is mad because he was the one that was technically unseated by his own game plan.  Many could read that he wanted Sara to run for president with him running as vice president. But when Sara opted to run for vice president, it was he who was deprived of the seat.

He cannot run against his own daughter.  Their expectation of making a clean sweep was unexpectedly derailed by the BBM-Sara tandem. BBM and Sara cannot be blamed for what happened.  The two were too secretive of their plans they thought was an air-tight strategy to capture the 2022 presidential election.

Digong is a fickle-minded politician.  He can become one’s worst enemy should he suspect one is crossing his path.  But all his ranting against the communists and against the indolent Aquino administration, he has proven himself to be more generous and accommodating to the communists. In fact, the so-called martial law victims received their compensation during the time of his administration. Aquino purposely delayed the giving of funds until after the hypocritical Digong administration came to power and started to dole out those public funds taken from the taxpayers’ money.

Many Filipinos see the claim for compensation as prurient.   The martial law imposed by Marcos has long been resolved as valid and constitutional by our Supreme Court.  The drumming up of compensation is a result of a criminal conspiracy hatched by the leader and founder of the CPP who it seems was goaded by adventurism to pursue their psychotic revolution. It was not only the innocent civilians who suffered but also a number of our soldiers trying to put order to our society which they prejudged as authoritarian and dictatorial.

Lawlessness and chaos preceded the declaration of martial law culminating in the bombing of Plaza Miranda where the entire leadership of the Liberal Party was decimated.  Sison and his fanatical cohorts then proceeded to spread the word that it was Marcos who masterminded the bombing.  To totally prevent the public from learning about it, Sison and his gang arrested the grenade thrower and executed him for trumped-up charges in their Kangaroo Court in Isabela. Jovito Salonga admitted that the NPA executed Danny Cordero somewhere in the hinterlands of Isabela.

Many well-meaning opposition leaders knew blood was already being spilled from the hands of the masterminds of the so-called “revolution for liberation.” When the bloodthirsty adventurers realized that their war for national liberation was going nowhere, they began a campaign in the early 80’s, for an ideological cleansing by liquidating fellow communist cadres suspected of being deep penetration agents of the government.  Thousands were summarily killed and buried alive as traitors by the communist party leadership led by Sison.  The US, it seems, redesigned the communist propaganda to purposely target   Marcos as their new enemy.

Events coincided with the realignment of ideological forces.   From thereon, Sison and his gang distanced themselves from the so-called pro-Beijing bloc.  That proved to be advantageous to the US and to the local communist headed by Sison. Seldom did our people know that the Liberal Party enthroned to power in 1986 centered on the atrocities of Marcos.  The first thing Sison and his gang did was to organize the body that will ensure the payment of compensation including those they butchered as DPAs.  To firmly control this, they created the Human Rights Commission to oversee the giving of compensation, ignoring altogether that many were killed including the solders doing the job in quelling their murderous adventurism.

The granting of compensation was with the blessing of the US, the CIA and the State Department, setting aside the countless number of comrades they killed. This is why Sison is branded by many as the county’s upstart Pol Pot for he summarily killed more than a thousand innocent student activists and farmers who have no idea of the bloodthirsty nature of the organization they joined. The husband and wife, Jose Ma. Sison and Julieta De Lima, each received P1.4 million.

Receiving compensation and calling oneself a hero contradicts the very definition of patriotism. This explains why they worked hard to control the human rights commission to ensure the release of funds so that the party would be able to siphon a greater portion of the funds.  All these happened because the US has an axe to grind against Marcos.  Defrocking Marcos as a hero would help tone the suspicion that the bankrupt empire would sponsor a new hero for them.

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