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Friday, September 20, 2024

Gabriela rep Brosas eyes Senate seat in 2025 polls

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Gabriela Women’s Party Rep. Arlene Brosas on Tuesday announced her bid for a Senate seat in the 2025  elections.

“I am deeply grateful to the Committee of 100 Women—representing various sectors and professions—who will lead the charge in bringing Gabriela from Congress to the Senate,”  Brosas stated. 

Brosas said her senatorial bid is backed by a diverse coalition of women leaders and various women’s groups across the country.

“This decision is driven by the urgent need to defend women’s rights against the ongoing onslaught of patriarchal and anti-women policies,” the female legislator said.

Brosas, with over two decades of experience as an activist and eight years as a representative in Congress, emphasized the urgency to field genuine leaders given the current socio-political climate and the intensifying attacks on women’s rights and welfare.

“The unprecedented crisis doubly burdening women, the severe oppression and discrimination, and the various forms of state-sponsored violence give me even greater determination to serve the oppressed and those in need,” she declared. “We are witnessing a systematic attempt to roll back hard-won gains for women’s rights, and we must resist this with all our might.”

The Gabriela lawmaker highlighted her legislative achievements, including the passage of several landmark laws benefiting women and children, while acknowledging the constant struggle against forces seeking to undermine these gains: RA 11058 – Occupational Safety and Health Law; RA 11210 – Expanded Maternity Leave Law; RA 11313 – Safe Spaces Law; RA 11648 – Increasing the age for statutory rape; and RA 11861 – Expanded Solo Parent Welfare Act.

“These laws are crucial protections for women, yet we see continuous attempts to water them down or obstruct their implementation,” Brosas noted. “In the Senate, I will not only defend these laws but push for more comprehensive legislation to safeguard women’s rights.”

Brosas vowed to push for wage increases, genuine agrarian reform, and national industrialization if elected to the Senate, emphasizing that women’s liberation is inextricably linked to national development and economic justice.

Brosas said her senatorial bid represents a significant step in advancing the representation of women’s rights and progressive policies in the Senate.

Her campaign is expected to focus on addressing the pressing issues faced by Filipino women, combating the relentless attacks on women’s rights, and advocating for comprehensive national development that truly serves the interests of women and the broader masses.

Editor’s Note: This is an updated article. Originally posted with the headline Gabriela’s Arlene Brosas declares intention to run for Senate in 2025


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