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Friday, September 20, 2024

Sarah G. and the Anemix Girls in new music video

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Did you know that one out of 4 people are at risk of anemia? Anemia, caused by iron deficiency, can greatly impact a person’s physical and cognitive performance thus affecting the overall work productivity.

In the Philippines, Merck Inc., through the country’s leading iron supplement brand for adults, Sangobion IRON+, has made it its mission to spread awareness for anemia so that more Filipinos can be aware of the condition. In fact, the World Health Organization revealed that between 20 and 39.9 percent of women in the country aged 15-49 years suffer from anemia (The Global Prevalence of Anaemia in 2011, authored by the World Health Organization).

Pop satr Sarah Geronimo (center) joined by Merck Inc. executives

The launch of the new campaign, “Win Your Day” establishes Sangobion IRON+ as the blood health expert that talks about the 5 signs of anemia—tiredness, sickly (due to a weak immune system), paleness, distractedness (lack of concentration), and dizziness—and how to prevent or overcome them in order to Win Your Day.

The highlight of the campaign is the “Win Your Day” TV commercial and music video, starring Sangobion IRON+ Brand Ambassador Sarah Geronimo. Also featured in the video are the Anemix Girls – five women who were able to overcome their anemia with the help of the organic iron supplement.

They are fondly known as Tired Ellaine, Sickly Paula, Pale Sheena, Distracted Princess, and Dizzy Apple.

Selected through a series of Sangobion IRON+ activities that took place over several months last year, the girls went through several tests of physical energy, including a karaoke challenge. Armed with golden voices and the eagerness to win their day, the five stood out from hundreds of candidates and proved to be the perfect companions of Sarah G. in the music video.

Merck Inc. Philippines Head of Marketing, Consumer Health, Debbie Go said, “A significant number of Filipinos, particularly women, are affected by anemia and don’t even realize it. We expect that this campaign will encourage them to be more conscious of their blood health, and take the necessary steps to fight anemia so they can go about each day in winning form.”


CNN ‘On China’ tackles economic slowdown

CNN’s Kristie Lu Stout meets independent Andy Xie, Wall Street Journal correspondent Wei Gu, and Ascendent Capital Partners co-founder Liang Meng

China’s economic slowdown has sent shockwaves around the world. There are fears of a ticking “debt bomb”. Beijing is in unchartered territory as it makes a painful transition from an investment and export-led economy to one driven by domestic consumption. Questions abound about the government’s ability to implement strong reforms.

In this month’s On China, CNN’s Kristie Lu Stout meets independent economist Andy Xie, Wall Street Journal correspondent Wei Gu, and co-founder of Ascendent Capital Partners Liang Meng. They discuss China’s economic dynamics and explore the opportunities ahead.


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